Well dudes, my first competition went okkkk :(  I scored allll 7,8,and 9s! i was so mad! the winner got mostly 9s and 10s! He always gets those scores though so I shouldn't be so mad at that. I should be more mad at myself for my poor play on the waters! I think part of why I did so bad was because I was distracted by my friend Jimmer that came to town this week.  I learned a lesson about competing while he was here this past week.   He said to me “If you're not making mistakes, you're not taking risks, and that means you're not going anywhere. The key is to make mistakes faster than the competition, so you have more changes to learn and win.”  Those words really hit me hard for some reason; like really hit me.  I will never forget that! Thank you DUDDEE!

Jimmy Jam Tremblay
4/12/2011 02:53:58 am

So how does this surfin' competition work...did ya hang ten?


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