This week is going to be a great week dudes!!! Its going to be HOT! with no rain!  My best friend Andy had to go home now :( which totally blows.  Me and Andy had a gnarley ol time hangin this past week! Hittin the waves, but i'm focusing on the week a head.  The weather report had a hurricane watch for next week which could be a big one dudes too! I wanted to hit some Aerial 360's and catch myself doing some reflective waves. Hopefully i can make a couple surfer buddies this weekend. That would be so righteous!  Maybe even find me a beech babe.  No high hopes though.  That past 3 summers i haven't found a single one yet :(
3/2/2011 11:21:40 pm

women are nothin' but a waste of time!!!

Jimmy Jam Tremblay
3/7/2011 10:34:43 pm

Yeah, chics. I'm having a tough time findin' one to go noodling with me...maybe I should try your neck of the woods!


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