We are here to announce that at 7:34 eastern standard time that the newest professional surfer Nigel Billy is dead.  He went surfing at 4:00 pm and people off shore never saw him come out of his very first wave. The  search team went out immediately.  After no luck finding him, his body washed up on shore a half mile down where he went under.  An autopsy will be done tomorrow morning.  Early guess would be water in the lungs, in other words, drowning.  There will be more information on ESPN Sport Center tomorrow morning at 9/8am central.  Nigel would have been turning 18 in June.
Ok dudes! i've been doin this bloggin thing for a long time now! and it's totally awesome! I would like to thank all my readers and all the feedback i get from everyone!  Especially my English teacher! anndd to Jimmy Jam Tremblay who has commented on all of my blogs! It's great to have such wonderful followers! In the real world I'm becoming more popular every day! Some people that don't know much about surfing competitions ask me how they work. Well dudes (and dudettes),  It  is fairly simple.  You start off by swimming on your board till you get to the area where the waves reach there peak.  Next You get on your board and start off by riding the first wave you see.  Judges have binoculars if you are to far out in the ocean to see, but most of the time you are closer.  While riding have you have to throw in some kind of trick! My favorite is the Over under 360.  It scores high with the judges.  There are other moves like the  Fishtale,  Slow border,  180 flip, 180 toss across, and 360 boardless.  Just to name a few.  If you knarley people want to look it up and give it a try, go ahead! It takes alot of practice to get good!  If u execute a move just right and throw something else in during the one wave you will get big points, like a 9 or a 10!  It sounds verrrrry simple! but it's so totally wicked!  I would like to congratulate my self, for this week i qualified for the Fed Ex Open in the Southern Keys of Florida.  They got some insane wave action down there!  It's a super difficult competition because all the best of the best go compete!  The entry is $5,000 and if I take anywhere in the top 25 i will make that back plus up to $65,000! which would be great for college!  I would also like to thank my new sponsor, Mountain Dew, for paying for my entry fee! The people at that place are so knarley to work with! They are all awesome and I'm excited for a long healthy relationship with them!  Hopefully I don't do bad enough that they will, but they must see something in me for giving up that much money to a young guy like me.  It kind of gives me the confidence I need, but also, it puts a lot of pressure on my shoulders.  I don't want to disappoint.   So I better hit the waves and get some practice in before the BIG meet! Do the Dew! Later Dudes!



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Soooo, I just got this membership at this really gnarley gym today! It is so totally awesome! it's the gym where the the best trainer in the world is! KEN!  It's a very expensive place to go, but he is the best trainer in the world! And if i want to be number one surfer in the world I'm going to need the ultimate trainer! It's about $550 a session!  Thank God for my new sponsors (Starbucks and Google) to help me pay for it! or I would be one poor student!  Check out his blog here!  My next competition is coming up April 30th! so i need to get prepared! I'm nervous about this one because it's the U.S. Cellular Invitational!  So dudes, when I'm finished with this blog I'm going to hit south beach to see if the waves are bigger!  The wave forecast is at 5-10 feet so it should be great!  The skies are clear and it's 87 degrees! Laters Dudeees!
Well dudes, my first competition went okkkk :(  I scored allll 7,8,and 9s! i was so mad! the winner got mostly 9s and 10s! He always gets those scores though so I shouldn't be so mad at that. I should be more mad at myself for my poor play on the waters! I think part of why I did so bad was because I was distracted by my friend Jimmer that came to town this week.  I learned a lesson about competing while he was here this past week.   He said to me “If you're not making mistakes, you're not taking risks, and that means you're not going anywhere. The key is to make mistakes faster than the competition, so you have more changes to learn and win.”  Those words really hit me hard for some reason; like really hit me.  I will never forget that! Thank you DUDDEE!

DUDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! i was just totally watching my ESPN and i saw that my best dude was in town of Miami!!!!!!!!! JIMMER FREDETTE!!!! Jimmer is like really like good at like basketball?! i think! idk!! He's like good at sports. He is such a gnarly dude. But yea, he is in town today because of some march madness tourney. i have no clue what that is, but we gonna have to hit sum waves later!! i dont know if he ever surfed before, but im guessing he is flipping good at it. i mean he is good at everything!!! Aight, hold on blog thingy, im gonna go text Jimmy right now!!!!!!
DUDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! i was just talking to Jimmer Fredette! i guess his team just lost the tourney, what a drag. Now he said he has no plans so he can come surfin with me and some dudes!
Aight!!!! PEACE OUT DAWGSSSSSSS! bye blog thingy.

im out.  :)
    My first official competition of the year is next week! I am at the age now where with my time I can do all the competitions! what was really holding me back for all my past years was my age. Now I thank God I'm old enough.  I always use to watch. It was fun watching, don't get me wrong, but I'd much rather be tidin in up! i grew up watching Simon Anderson compete in all of his competitions! He was the best in the world at the time and I wanted to be just like the dude.  Now i will have my opportunity to live my dream!  My first goal I want to complete is to be ranked officially by the PSL (Professional Surfing League). They rank players in the top 50.  It is so hard to take any ones spot in the top 25.  All of the dudes and dudette (singular) in the top 25 are very consistent and almost have their ranking set in stone!  I'm about to tear that up though! No one at my age has ever done that in a year! but my goal is to do that! you will all see and watch what im about to do!  EVERYONE in the world will know me. This will be an experience not just for me, but for all of you dudes to witness!  Get use to seein, #1 NIGEL BILLY!....
It's coming soon!
This week is going to be a great week dudes!!! Its going to be HOT! with no rain!  My best friend Andy had to go home now :( which totally blows.  Me and Andy had a gnarley ol time hangin this past week! Hittin the waves, but i'm focusing on the week a head.  The weather report had a hurricane watch for next week which could be a big one dudes too! I wanted to hit some Aerial 360's and catch myself doing some reflective waves. Hopefully i can make a couple surfer buddies this weekend. That would be so righteous!  Maybe even find me a beech babe.  No high hopes though.  That past 3 summers i haven't found a single one yet :(
My friend Andy doing an awesome jump!
I hate that the weather is rainy today!  We only have a half day here at Miami High. A perfect day to get out and enjoy the rays, but noooooooo dude, it has to rain. I'll move on though me and my old friend Andrew and I are going to try surfin it up tomorrow! Its gunna be soo awesome! I am so Amped! Andrew is coming down from Tallahassee, Florida tomorrow.  It should be a great day! especially because its going to be in the 80's   and sunny!  The ladies always come out on days were the temperature is 80 degrees or warmed!  It's going to be so gnarley dude! Andrew is like the best surfer in the panhandle! He wins the summer surfer championship every summer! He's been in the water every since i met him!  I literally met him in the waves man. I saved his life when i was 5 dude and I had cameras all over me! It was wicked! I was all over the news for a couple days and that faded away after a couple weeks, but the dude and i have been friends ever since then.  Tomorrow should be a ball! i better get back to work dudes!

Frube (n.)- A surfer who does not catch a wave for the whole time he or she is in the water.
     This word above is one of the few words that describe me.  The waters are a constant lull for me.  A lull for all you hodads out there is after the wave passes that break of still water till the next wave  comes.  For me, that wave never comes, but dude, that is totally okay with me. I'm so laid back it's crazy! Mostly what i mean that a wave never come its because nothing changes in my life.  It's just flat waters. Always the same.  Just laying around on the beach all day, well in the summer that is.  In the fall i attend The University of Miami. Yeah, i guess I'm a pretty smart guy.  I get A's in all my classes.  Then again, there is never any change in that either. I always study and work hard in my classes.  My friends want me to go partying with them all the time, but i don't go.  They are always like "Dude, you're so lame" or "Dude, It would suck to be like you."  I don't care that much.  I don't get excited about that stuff like they do.  They think it's so Knarley.  So this is me, a frube, thats in the water and never gets a wave.  Hopefully something gives soon.